Conning Risk Assessment
Survey of U.S. Insurers
U.S. insurance companies are expected to increase their investment risk tolerance and grow portfolio allocations to private assets amid concerns of higher market volatility and inflation, according to a fall 2022 survey of U.S. insurance decision-makers commissioned by Conning.

The survey also found insurers increasing their engagement with ESG, adhering to ESG standards in their own portfolios and encouraging business partners’ ESG compliance.

Conning examines the findings of the Conning Risk Assessment Survey of U.S. Insurers and the potential implications in our latest Viewpoint, “Survey Insights: Evolution and Opportunity in U.S. Insurers’ Investment Risk Management Practices.”

We also provide a set of interactive graphics to view responses by company type and sector and examine how insurers’ views are evolving.
Access the Full Report and Interactive Graphics